Changing Your Perspective
One thing I've learned about myself is that I often see things from a different perspective than most people. But, like anything else, there are advantages and disadvantages to every perspective. For...
Here are some interesting facts about time: We all get the same amount per day How we use our time is a choice Once time passes, we can’t get it back If we each get exactly the same amount of time per...
The Most Qualified Don’t Always Win
If there is one thing I’ve learned from sports, it’s that you don’t have to be the best to win. Let me give you some examples. On my high school football team, I didn’t “fit” my position. I was 5’11”...
Getting Out of a Rut
I remember a story I once heard my friend Brian Klemmer tell. It went something like this: Once there was a frog named Andy Average frog. He fell into a rut left by a wagon in a rainstorm. He tried...
Don’t Worry
The other morning was a good teachable moment for my son David. He woke up, came into the living room, and screamed, “Oh no! I left my binder at the main High School! It has all my stuff in it!...
Why Southwest is Different
Normally when a business makes it a point to tell you that they have the lowest prices, that often equates to a lower quality product. We all know that it's common to "get what you pay for", and with...
A Matter of Fact or Faith?
When you’ve dug yourself into a hole the first thing you need to do is stop digging! But then what? I’ve been in more than one hole in my life, as I’m sure you have. There are several keys to getting...
A Giving Heart
As I get older, I continue to learn more about what the concept of "giving" really means. One significant principle I have come to understand is this: The more my heart loves to give, the more...
Goal setting and actually writing down those goals are an integral part of achieving something. Now it’s time to walk the path. After setting your goal, the next step is just that – to take the next...
Simple Maintenance
I went to get my oil changed the other day. As I sat in the waiting room I saw another car pull in. A very overweight man got out and seemed to struggle as he made his way inside to sit next to me. I...