
Greatness Requires Continual Growth

Greatness Requires Continual Growth

One of the things I hear often is that personal awareness seminars are only for people who have problems, addictions or for those who are "broken." This is the same mindset I had before I attended my...

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Stop It!

Stop It!

I was watching an old episode of Bob Newhart. This particular episode was hilarious!  A woman came in for a session and began to tell Bob her issues.  She said, “I have this fear of being buried alive...

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Josh and the Giant (Get Off Your Ask)

Josh and the Giant (Get Off Your Ask)

I hired Josh when he was a young man, and although he didn’t work for me long, he was always respectful.  He eventually had to quit due to commitments at school. A few years later he started a snow...

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Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

From the moment we are  born, our experiences begin to "program" the computer we call our brain.  When we cry, our mother usually ran into the room to nurture us. When we got a little older, we...

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Happy People Don’t Kill People

Happy People Don’t Kill People

Have you ever met someone who seems to always have things go their way? They just expect a positive outcome and  in turn, they usually get it.  Even when things don’t work out, they don’t fret and let...

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The Real You

The Real You

I was working out in the gym when an old song came on. It was "Rocket Man" by Elton John. What really stood out was something I was feeling that morning; and quite frankly, something I’d felt much of...

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Great Expectations, Great Adults

Great Expectations, Great Adults

How will you get to your goal if you don't create a pathway of expectations to get there? A wish isn’t enough; You need a plan. When I was growing up, my parents and I had never had a discussion about...

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Dream Again

Dream Again

What happened to us as we grew older?  Where did all of those dreams go?  There is a bible verse that says: “Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men...

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The Danger of Autopilot

The Danger of Autopilot

Have you ever heard of “autopilot?” The definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary reads as follows: A device for automatically steering ships, aircraft, and spacecraft. I’d like to add something to...

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Find Your Passion and Purpose

Find Your Passion and Purpose

Let’s turn the clock back to your childhood. Remember the house you grew up in? What did it look like? What smells were there? Did it have paint or wall paper? Did you have a backyard to play in?...

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