What happened to us as we grew older? Where did all of those dreams go? There is a bible verse that says: “Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) Let me ask you? Why didn’t it say young men will dream dreams? Why not the sons and daughters? I believe it is because it gets harder to dream the older we get. But I believe wholeheartedly that those dreams are still there in your heart – waiting to be re-ignited and awakened. We may have just forgotten how to dream!
To be able to actually visualize what you want is an important step to attaining it! Before I was on The Biggest Loser, I had to actually believe it could happen. I had to see myself as a thin and in-shape man. This might seem easy to some of you, but imagine if you weighed 460 pounds and had a 69 ½ inch stomach – AND you were 39 years old! It seemed impossible. But deep down, I knew that it wasn’t! I held on to the hope that I could achieve that dream. So I envisioned myself in shape; feeling and looking healthy again! In fact, I carried a picture of myself at 17 years old, when I felt and looked like a champion!
Without that visualization, I might as well have hung it up. In fact, a few years before I had lost that vision – and I bought more life insurance for when I would die a morbidly obese man.
One day, I closed my eyes and pictured my dream. I was thin, healthy and I was involved in something that was helping people achieve their dreams. It involved music, experiential training, and my wife Darci was involved, too. It was exciting, yet scary, to dream again! Then I wrote an entry in my journal. I wrote this:
The things I need to do to achieve my dream:
- Be a joyful and passionate man.
- Lose the weight.
- Lose the debt. (2 & 3 can be achieved by winning The Biggest Loser!)
I signed and dated it, and the path to my dreams appeared! That was a year before I made it to the cast of The Biggest Loser, and I don’t believe it was a coincidence!
You see, while on The Biggest Loser, I not only won the show and $250,000, but I was joyful and passionate! I lost all of my weight, and I lost all of my debt! And what else happened? A dream of mine from my youth, writing music, was re-ignited! Passion was breathed into me again, and in turn I wrote a song on the show called “Second Chance,” which has been played around the world and has given hope to many hopeless people! This old man dreamed dreams!
What is your dream? Can you dream again? We at The Journey Training know you can! One of our primary purposes is to re-ignite passion and dreams in people who may believe it’s simply too late!
In Arthur Greeno’s book, Dysfunctional Inspiration, He shares some amazing facts. A few are:
- Tiger Woods was three years old when he shot 48 for 9 holes of golf.
- Mozart was 8 when he wrote his first symphony.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson was 14 when he enrolled at Harvard.
- Bill Gates was 19 when he co-founded Microsoft.
- Plato was 20 when he became a student of Socrates.
- S. Truett Cathy was 25 when he and his brother Ben first started the Dwarf House, later to become Chick-fil-A.
- Joe DiMaggio was 26 when he hit safely in 56 consecutive games.
- William Shakespeare was 31 when he wrote Romeo & Juliet.
- Walt Disney was 55 when he opened Magic Kingdom.
- Dom Perignon was 60 when he first produced champagne.
- Michelangelo was 72 when he designed the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
- Frank Lloyd Wright was 91 when he completed his work on the Guggenheim Museum.
- Grandma Moses, America’s most well known folk artist, was in her 70’s before painting her first painting.
- Ichijifou Araya was 100 when he climbed Mount Fuji.
Still think you are too old to dream? Think again – and DREAM AGAIN!
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