We tend to find exactly what we are looking for. If we expect negativity, we tend to find it. If we are searching for a great experience, we often find that as well. Let me give you an example from my own life.
A long time ago I was convinced that a guy at the Chick-fil-A Home Office had it in for me. He would often call me and ask difficult questions about my store that I didn’t have answers for and then took days to return phone calls when I left messages. It all left me frustrated and I began to feel like he was trying to get rid of me. Once there was a former operator who came by my store to see me. The guy at the home office found out about this visit and grilled me about it. My frustration level grew to a whole new level and I told him that if he didn’t think I was up to being an Operator, he should come get my keys (not a wise thing to say on my part but, “Whew!” I am still here).
Here is a different way that I could have chosen to view the situation:
A long time ago there was this guy who worked at the Chick-fil-A Home Office who really cared about and looked out for me. He often called to ask me questions that would force me to stretch and grow in my thinking. It wasn’t always pleasant, but if you don’t know what you don’t know, then you can’t become better, right? Sometimes when I would call him back to get his perspective on something, he would take time to think it over before calling me back. That way he could give me the best possible feedback. On one occasion I had a former operator come to visit me and talk to me about the business. I told the guy at the home office about the visit and he warned me that even though the visit seemed like nothing, it might turn out to have negative consequences and that I might want to shy away from encounters like that. At first it made me threatened as a leader, but I later came to understand the heart behind his advice and chose to appreciate where he was coming from. I grew to be thankful for my corporate office ally.
Do you see the difference in these two stories?
The difference is me. The difference is in the way I chose to look for, in the way I chose to see the situation.
We cannot control everything that happens to us. But we CAN chose how we react to it. We CAN choose how we want to frame it and what we decide that it all means. These choices can literally change everything about the outcome, but it will ALWAYS change something within us.
Here’s your homework for this week:
Make a conscious choice to look at every situation you encounter in the next week in a positive light. Then come back here and let us know how it went.
I’ve heard people say, “Where is my ministry?” or “I don’t understand why God doesn’t use me more.” Many people try to build a platform to minister from and become frustrated. Maybe they’re missing it. Let me explain.
This is simply a perspective moment.
In The Journey Training we talk about seeing a different perspective of your situation. You may have a blind spot that is keeping you stuck.
Matthew 25:23 says, “You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” Are you meant to pastor a church? Maybe. Where do you start? You start exactly where you are; you simply take a step and, in turn, take responsibility.
I needed to pay a house payment and had no work. I was worried. I thought, “How will I make this payment?” Then and idea came to me. People had often asked me if I trained people. I guess when you lose 239 pounds and keep it off, other people want that, too. I decided to begin a bootcamp here in town. I called it “Simply Lose It”, which is the name of a health program I am releasing this year on QVC. Twelve people signed up, and I was able to make that payment! In turn, I had a responsibility – to those twelve people.
Simply Lose it is in its fourth session, and I see something happening. I am caring for people; helping them progress physically, and also spiritually. I speak encouragement to them! I am seeing them succeed. Let me share a message from one of my participants just two weeks in: “Thanks for sharing the talk at the end; I cannot express my appreciation enough for you doing this bootcamp. You have changed my life probably more than you will ever know. I will never go back to the fat, lazy, unhappy person I was just a few weeks ago. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”
You see, God has given me my Bootcamp, and the people in it. I have changed my perspective to see it is a ministry. Not a church. Not a lucrative business. (YET!) But God has entrusted me with a few dozen very special people, and I will be as faithful to them as I can.
Maybe you need to change your perspective and see that your ministry is exactly where you are.
It’s where you work, where you play, in your home, and it’s the next person you meet. If you are “faithful with few things,” you’ll end up stepping into many. You’ll find the answer to “Where is my ministry?” And you won’t be trying so hard to build that platform. It will just kind of build itself!
Simply Lose It Bootcamp is run by Danny Cahill.
- When: Monday – Thursday & Saturday (Generally 5 weekly sessions)
- Cost: $99 per month for up to 3 weekly sessions, or $119 for unlimited
- Where: Fitness Together 97th & Riverside, Fitness Together Downtown Tulsa, Outside at several different Broken Arrow, Tulsa, and Bixby parks.
- Info: Email Danny@TheDannyCahill.com
One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I often see things from a different perspective than most people. But, like anything else, there are advantages and disadvantages to every perspective. For example, creative marketing comes fairly easy to me. Other things, not so much…
In The Journey Training, one of the experiential exercises we do is focused on changing your perspective. We experience the phenomenon of perspective every single day.
Recently I was at a friend’s wedding. My 9-year-old daughter wanted to go, so I brought her along as my date. Here are some of the things I saw at the wedding:
- A slow-moving ceremony.
- O.K. snacks (a sweet and sour bar – interesting concept).
- Boring rituals to endure until it’s over.
Here is what my daughter saw:
- Every single movement of the bride was one of a beautiful princess.
- All of the colorful snacks were yummy!
- Dancing with daddy was fun!
- Watching daddy dance with mommy was fun!
- All of the attention she got from mommy and daddy was fun!
- Did I say that the entire wedding was fun?
Once I saw what my daughter saw, I realized that I had experienced a remarkable and memorable event! From now on, I will do my best to see things through new eyes (and it always helps to bring my favorite girl and one of my favorite princesses along for perspective)…