The Right Perspective By: Alison Loyd
People all over the country debate politics, religion, and morality. My friends? We debate over the location of a bathroom. Four years ago, two friends and I were at the Rose and Crown Tavern when...
Listen and Learn
Listen. Apologize. Solve. Thank. Listen. Listen patiently. Listen attentively. There’s nothing frustrating like having a thought or ideas and having the listener ignore you or maybe not quite...
Potential By: Alison Loyd
"In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well." Romans 12:6 NLT Is it better to have had and lost than to never have had at all? While you ponder that,...
Back to School….for Moms
Do you have a child just starting their first day of Kindergarten? Are they in middle school or high school? Are they beginning their senior year of High School or they just graduated and they are...
5 Consequences of Victim Thinking
Have you heard something like, “It’s better to give someone a hand up than a handout”? Well, contrary to societal opinion, it’s not a mean or cruel statement. It’s wisdom, because it strikes at the...
Getting Stuck
I was asked what I do when I get stuck, and it has taken me a few days to really think about it. I am very fortunate; I have an internal drive that many do not have. I wish it was as easy as that,...
#nofilter By: Alison Loyd
In our culture of Instagram and hashtags, people are always posting pictures with #nofilter. The person posting the picture is promoting the fact that the picture hasn't been edited. There is no...
I vaguely remember being normal. I was 7 years old and in the second grade. That is the last time I remember being normal. Since then, I’ve been me. So exactly who am I? I am someone who has never...
It's too much! I'm overwhelmed! He or she won't leave me alone. They're really overwhelming me. I have to plan, cook, clean, take care of the kids, and insert 5 other obligations! I'm so overwhelmed!...
Honesty does not Equal Vulnerability by: Sheila Hoeschen
I have a very heavy story of redemption and the topics of my testimony can be shocking to some. I’ve spent quite a lot of time just getting comfortable telling my story without the fear of what people...