Why Southwest is Different

Normally when a business makes it a point to tell you that they have the lowest prices, that often equates to a lower quality product. We all know that it’s common to “get what you pay for”, and with many of these companies you often get less than you pay for.

Southwest Airlines prides themselves on their low fares. But unlike other companies who are racing to the bottom of the price line, they also pride themselves in delivering a high-quality experience for their customers. In my experience, they are the best by far. Here are 5 reasons why I prefer Southwest over the competition…

  1. They don’t nickel-and-dime you to death.
    When you’re flying with a family of eight, it’s not uncommon to get up to $250 or more in various additional charges for a one-way trip somewhere. Not so with Southwest. Their pricing tends to be more straight-forward than the others. Even the “little things” like snacks during the flight are more pleasant. Although the flights I’ve been on didn’t offer meals in-flight, I got to choose from peanuts or pretzels – and if you don’t fly much, you don’t realize how nice having a choice actually is.
  2. They remember the “customers” in customer service.
    When boarding a plane, I often see the stewardesses engaged in conversation with each other, occasionally throwing out a greeting to a guest as they squeeze by on the way to their seat. The Southwest crew seems to be focused on their guests from the moment they arrive. They make eye-contact, greet us individually, and occasionally make fun comments to my kids. Overall, a much more welcoming experience.
  3. Their crew also uses humor to get important messages across.
    Since Southwest has an open seating policy, it’s important for them to help us fill all the seats from the back to the front. One steward made us laugh when he told us that we needed to move to the back if we wanted better service. “The back is the best, the middle is sketchy, and my section – here in the front – is hands-down the worst for service. So sit in the back if you want the best!” Clearly he was kidding and he had a big smile on his face, but it put us all at ease and made the overall atmosphere more enjoyable.
  4. The distribution of drinks and snacks is often another task that other airline crews seem to endure more than enjoy.
    They usually talk to each other as the roll the metal cart down the aisle, giving plastic smiles when required, and looking like they can’t wait to get done. Again, not so with Southwest. They go down the aisle taking orders and then return with a tray full of items for their guests and are quite personable throughout the flight.
  5. When something goes wrong, they make it right.
    The other day my flight got delayed for an hour. Then we were informed that the delay would be an additional two hours. Then it was moved to a different gate. At that point I decided to check in to see if there’s anything I was going to need to get on the plane. Since I had eight in my family, any additional things often take forever and I didn’t want any more delays or to miss the flight altogether. When I got to the front of the line, instead of being dismissed or treated like an annoyance, I got a really nice apology for the delay and eight $100 vouchers for the inconvenience.

For whatever reason, very few airlines understand the importance of taking care of the customer. But Southwest gets it. They are my airline of choice whenever I have options. Apparently others agree. Check their stock. Their commitment to excellence shows – and they have fun doing it!

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A Matter of Fact or Faith?

A Matter of Fact or Faith?When you’ve dug yourself into a hole the first thing you need to do is stop digging! But then what?

I’ve been in more than one hole in my life, as I’m sure you have. There are several keys to getting out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself. Hard work and dedication are two, and the most important of all is having the faith that you can do it.

I’ve seen victory after victory in my life, and it all had to begin with a belief that things could get better. If we have no hope that things can change, we will stay stuck. I’ll bet that most of you who are reading this can identify with what I am saying in some area of your life: finances, relationship, health, weight, or even an addiction.

I’ve got news for you. There is hope! There is a way out! And it begins with one step! Let me explain.

When I was 460 pounds, the idea of running was as foreign to me as standing on the moon. Then one day something happened. While walking around the Presidential Mile, Allen Smith, a co-star on Season 8 of The Biggest Loser said something to me. He said, “Let’s run.”

Then of course I said, “What are you, CRAZY?!” Allen replied, “Just to that light pole up ahead, let’s go!” And he took off. I followed, but after 10 steps my mind told me to quit. Allen cheered me on and I chose to keep going. I made it to the light pole, and the next day, Allen challenged me to run a little farther. I noticed after a week of this something was happening. The time from when I started to when I wanted to quit was getting longer and longer.

Nine months later I was running the 114th Boston Marathon, which was my second marathon in only 6 months! And each time I started running, the point where my mind would tell me to stop was getting farther and farther into my run! That day it was mile 13 before my mind said to stop! I’d gone from 10 steps to 13 miles before wanting to quit!

Since that day, the thoughts of taking on seemingly impossible tasks aren’t as scary. In fact, I have the faith that if I begin, stay the course, and slightly increase day by day, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. And not only the time from starting to wanting to quit gets longer and longer, but the time from when I fall down to when I get back up gets shorter and shorter.

That’s what life is all about. We’re going to be scared of the unknown, but we must be willing to take a step. We are going to fall down, but we must get back up. Faith will help you. And each time you accomplish something new, your faith gets bigger. So whatever you are struggling with today, ask God to give you the strength, then STAND UP AND BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY! Soon you may find yourself in the longest race of your life, and enjoying every minute of it!

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A Giving Heart

As I get older, I continue to learn more about what the concept of “giving” really means. One significant principle I have come to understand is this: The more my heart loves to give, the more opportunities I have to receive.

I don’t give for the purpose of receiving, but it is a principle nonetheless. When a farmer plants a lot of good seed, he gets a lot in return. When we learn to live in the spirit of giving, we will be on the lookout for opportunities to give. They could be as simple as:

  • Opening the door for someone.
  • Letting a car in front of you in traffic – and smiling.
  • Saying “thank you” to your children’s teachers (especially when the kids are older and we don’t know the teachers quite as well)

What can you do this week to give to others?

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Goal setting and actually writing down those goals are an integral part of achieving something. Now it’s time to walk the path.

After setting your goal, the next step is just that – to take the next step. Begin your journey by beginning action! While it seems easy to begin your action steps, it often proves tough to continue over time. Zig Ziglar once said, “Motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” This is so true!

What you must have to continue down the path to your goals is to find your WHY.

When I was 460 pounds, I desperately needed my WHY to begin what seemed like an endless journey to a healthy weight. My WHY was revealed to me on evening at home! I was sitting on the couch watching television. My daughter, Mary Claire, came in and said, “Daddy, I want to be just like you!” I was so proud! Then she dropped the bomb – “I want a belly just like yours.”

I was mortified! I had a 69.5-inch stomach! How could I continue being this kind of role model to my 7-year old daughter and 9-year old son? I am the leader in my house, and I was leading my family down the wrong path! Well, that was the day my WHY was born! And on the Biggest Loser when I felt like quitting (which was a thousand times a day!), I thought of Mary, David and Darci! I wasn’t going to lead them in the wrong direction any longer! All I had to do was picture Mary’s freckled-face at 7 years old saying those words to me again and I would begin to work out even harder!

Another example is Danny Boyle, an outdoorsman whose arm became trapped by a boulder while climbing. He was trapped for 127 hours! He finally found the courage to take his cheap multi-tool and amputate his own arm. Most people would simply die there, but Danny saw a vision on his 5th day of being trapped. A small boy said, “Daddy, can we play now?” A vision of his unborn son became his WHY; he amputated his own arm to realize his vision of having a family. His experience was made into a movie and has inspired many to get through their circumstances.

Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, was a Nazi concentration camp survivor. During his stay in the camp, he had a vision – a vision of himself standing in front of a crowded auditorium and speaking on his camp experience. From that point on, his goal was to get through each day so he could realize his vision and help the world understand the human condition when all has been taken away. He survived and has helped millions with his experiences.

What is your WHY? Have you even thought about it? Whether it’s a person, a cause, or something else, you must find your WHY and post it everywhere to remind yourself to LOSE YOUR QUIT and realize your dreams! Remember what Jillian Michaels said to me one day – “If you find your WHY, you can tolerate any how.”

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Simple Maintenance

I went to get my oil changed the other day. As I sat in the waiting room I saw another car pull in. A very overweight man got out and seemed to struggle as he made his way inside to sit next to me. I said, “I’m 2000 miles overdue for this oil change!” He answered, “I never wait. That is what makes cars wear out. It’s not the driving; it’s not maintaining it that causes serious problems.” What a true statement!

Then I asked him, “When are you going to start maintaining you?”

He looked shocked, so I thought I had better tell him who I am. He had never watched the Biggest Loser, so I pulled up my before picture on my phone. He gasped. “That’s you? Oh my! How long ago was that?” After telling him that less than 5 years ago I was 460 pounds, a tear formed in his eye. I told him he could make the choice to begin his change today. It won’t happen overnight, but if he doesn’t give up and if he will lose his quit, he will get there, too.

Moments like that make me realize how lucky I am to be alive, and especially to have been given the opportunity of The Biggest Loser. But it starts with maintaining your health day by day; and the great thing is that no matter where you are – with your weight, your debt, your marriage, or your career – you can begin today and actually repair most, if not all, of the damage done! I thank God that I quit smoking in 1996, paid off my gambling debts between 2004 and 2008, and lost 239 pounds in 6.5 months during 2009! If you didn’t know my story you might think I’d always been healthy! In fact, that is what he told me – “I never would have thought you used to be 460 pounds.”

And this is what I told him: “Your car is replaceable. You are not replaceable. Please make a change and give yourself the same care you give your car. You are too important to break down!”

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