Find Your Passion and Purpose
Let’s turn the clock back to your childhood.
Remember the house you grew up in? What did it look like? What smells were there? Did it have paint or wall paper? Did you have a backyard to play in? Where was your bedroom?
Now let’s revisit your hopes and dreams.
What was it you wanted to do? Did you want to become a veterinarian or be a musician? You may have wanted to be a teacher, astronaut, pilot or even the President of the United States! Where did those dreams and passions go?
I believe that they are still there, along with the belief that you could actually achieve them. You just left them behind – just a dream put on a shelf, just a thought you put away. The great news is that you can wake those dreams up again and on some level find success in the very things you always wanted to do! It just may not look exactly like you thought it would.
I remember being in my backyard with an old wooden tennis racket and our stockade fence. I had just watched an incredible Wimbledon Championship Tennis match between John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg. It was the most incredible match I’d ever seen. I went outside after Borg won the title and there I was, serving for the win in the final set at Wimbledon. I know, I was in my backyard – but I believed I was there – and I believed that I could do it!
I also remember being a kid and playing my sister’s guitar. I would be in the closet playing, but in my mind I was on stage in front of thousands, with TV cameras broadcasting my performance to millions, inspiring them to a better place!
It wasn’t long after that I lost those dreams to other things. One might call them diversions, but I call them life. When we are children, we know what’s right and wrong, we feel the desires in our hearts, and we don’t have the worries or hustle & bustle to take our minds off those things. We have our imagination to keep our dreams alive.
What is your dream?
What is your passion or your mission in life? Go back to those desires of your youth, couple them with what should change in the world, and you’ll come up with it! It might not be a veterinarian, but it might be volunteering at the local animal shelter. It might not be the President, but it might be the leader of your local PTA chapter. And you could find yourself helping transform your world one person at a time, beginning with fulfilling your mission in life!
So just like me you might find your purpose mixed within your childhood passions! I found myself just like Bjorn Borg, winning it all on The Biggest Loser, writing and playing music on the show, and now on an infinite speaking tour around the world with the purpose of awakening the dreams in others! Because, after all, each hardship you’ve endured in life is a stepping stone to the purpose you were created for. The first step is actually choosing to see that it lies within your heart and not somewhere in the distance.
At The Journey Training, we are passionate about helping you find your passion and purpose. The training is centered around bringing those true, innocent memories alive and starting you on a path to your purpose. Let us be a stepping stone for you!
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