Well, now you’ve probably set some New Year’s resolutions for yourself. That is great!  We all need goals to aim for! Now I ask the question, how are you going to reach those goals?

A goal is great, but you also need a plan to get there.  Here are some tips I suggest for your success in 2015.

Write it down

A goal that is not written down is merely a thought. Thoughts get lost. I have written songs that were incredible, only to not write it down and forget about it the next day. Something that could have been great was merely a moment; a moment that could never be shared again.

We need to remind ourselves of our goal. The first step is to write it down; make it something you can see every day so you won’t forget it.

Make a plan

A goal without a plan is merely a wish. I’ve rarely wished something into existence. It could happen, but the odds are against you! If you want to make your goal an intention instead of a wish, make a plan.

You’ll first need to break your goal up into smaller goals. My goal is to lose 40 pounds in 90 days. So I am going to make some lofty goals for the first month.  I’ll bite off 15 pounds for the first month.  That’s roughly ½ pound per day, or a 1750 calorie deficit. I’ll plan to burn at least 1250 calories per day in workouts and decrease my meal plan by 500 calories to 1500 calories per day to create that deficit. Now I know the numbers, which is step 1 of planning.

Step 2 is to make the plan by actually planning the month. I will get a calendar and write down my workouts, who the workouts are with and what time/place the workouts will be. I’ve learned that if it doesn’t get on the calendar, it usually doesn’t get done.

Step 3 is planning my meals. I will use my Simply Lose it™ Meal Plan and write down each week’s meals along with a grocery list. I’ll pre-prepare what I can on Sunday, and know exactly what I’m going to eat, including snacks. Now that my plan is in place, it’s time to make that intention more clear.

Find your why

Now it’s time to clarify why you want to achieve this goal. My why is my career. My career as a health coach will be much better if I am at and maintain my goal weight. Sure, I’m still 200 pounds down from my heaviest point of my life, but I don’t want to give my clients an excuse to settle for less than the best. My goal isn’t to look like a muscle man, just a healthy man at a healthy weight. So my why is my studio, my Simply Lose It™ Plan, and to feel extremely confident about myself again. I am going to visualize my own fitness studio, my QVC deal on television, and the tens of thousands of people I’ll be helping through both! When I want to quit or I have an opportunity to skip a workout or eat a burger, I’ll close my eyes and see those things in my head.

A plan without action is just a dream

Dreams are great. They help you visualize your why and the life you want. But without action, those dreams will remain unrealized. So take the first step. For many, resolutions, action will never materialize. Don’t let that be your resolution. Be the one who realizes your goal, and in turn your dream and the life you truly want.

Want more help? Then take action and look into signing up for The Journey Training, which can help you learn about yourself, and in turn help remove many of the roadblocks that get in the way of your goals and dreams. Go to www.thejourneytraining.com and check it out! And I hope to see you in the very next Threshold class!


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