I feel I am what I would call a master of getting stuff done. Creating multiple guinness world records, writing a book, writing blogs, 6 kids, 1 wife, and 2 busy restaurants, Operator consultant for 2 licensed locations (like a Mini Chick-fil-A), board member on multiple boards, and on the Chick-fil-A Operator Innovations team, these things do not happen by accident. Here is one of the ways I look at productivity if your looking to get more done in the day:

I have figured this out for myself, but it might be useful question to ask: What do your opportunities look like? I have found that when I plan out my choices, it makes the consequences much more productive. Plan out my choices? What in the world does that mean?

Map out on a piece of paper what your typical day looks like. Here is how mine would look:
Most of us, generally do the same things over and over, same routine. It may even include some choices we make through the day that could be better planned. For example, I know that there are some days that when I am running the kids around town for band, for school, etc. that I end up spending a lot of time in the car. I will routinely pull out my phone and check on what is going on in my friends’ lives via FB. Most of it is just nonsense or quotes, but it is entertaining.

If you are not paying attention, how many 5 minute opportunities did you use through the day?

What if I planned for some of my down time? What if I brought some reports with me to go over so I can be prepared for my next meeting? What if I brought that book with me that I need to complete? You know, the one you made a commitment to read 6 months ago that you have not finished because you “don’t have the time.”

If you are being real, how many opportunities do you come across each day? I will use my day as example.

  • When I am waiting on the Dr for an appointment I had.
  • When I am waiting for my son to get out of school
  • When I am ready to go, and I am waiting on my wife to finish getting ready.

Ok… maybe you don’t have downtimes like I do, but EVERYBODY poops!!

According to research done in the United Kingdom, a man spends an average of an hour and 45 min per week on the toilet, where a woman spends an hour and 20 min. On another note, the average person can read 48 pages per hour…… This means that potentially a man could read about 84 pages per week, or possibly a 300 page book per month.

When you create a plan of what to do when you come across moments of opportunity, you will find that the things you plan for will happen.

What do your opportunities look like?

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