Sweat the Small Stuff
I hear it all the time: don’t sweat the small stuff. This can be true at times, such as someone leaving the cap off the toothpaste or other irritations such as not getting your way. However, if you...
What are you Afraid of Anyway? By Carla Willingham
“What are you afraid of anyway? ”Let’s face it. We’re all afraid of something. Thunderstorms, snakes, heights, darkness, public speaking – or maybe being alone or taking on a new challenge; whatever...
Hanging in there can pay off!
For much of my life I thought to win I had to go wire to wire. What does that mean? I used to play the horses quite a bit before giving up gambling, and it simply means a horse takes the lead out of...
A Matter of Perspective
Often in life we are too busy to take a moment and look at things from a different perspective, whether that perspective is ours, or perhaps someone else's point of view. Harvey Mackay said "When you...
Watch Your Step! By Alison Loyd
As a person with low vision and poor balance, I’ve heard my whole life, “Watch your step.” My family and friends don’t want me to trip on a curb, uneven step, or my own two feet! Even with the...
Move The Book By: Amy Deering
Have you ever had a job to do? I mean one that you had already fixed in your mind how you were going to do it? I mean, no matter what, it was going to be done your way. Or maybe it wasn’t a job. Maybe...
What Defines You?
What is it that defines you? Is it your Job that defines who you are? Is it your money that defines who you are? Maybe it’s your stature, your looks, or your title? It might even be who you’re married...
Eat Some Dirt
I see it every day – parents sheltering their kids from experiencing the world as they were meant to – by being involved wholly! We did it for a while, too. I remember when David was young, we never...
Listen and Learn
Great customer service is one of the cornerstones Chick-fil-A is built on. I would love to tell you that we never have any complaints from customers, but that would not be true. Sometimes we miss the...
Serving Myself through my Handicap
According to the dictionary, here is the definition of handicap: Handicap [han-dee-kap] noun 1. the disadvantage or advantage itself. 2. any disadvantage that makes success more difficult: The main...